Seasons of life

Hardship is good for you

So they say

Makes you a better person

Oh hurray!

Be thankful

For what you’ve got

Even if

It’s not a lot

Look to the future

Forget the past

And happiness

Will come at last

Seasons of life

The good and the bad

Forget what you’ve lost

Or might never have


This year has been tough

A relationship that wasn’t working and the death of my mum along with living conditions and health concerns has really left me reeling.

I lost myself for a long time in a fog of darkness, feeling angry and sad all at the same time, I didn’t know what to do with myself.

I was dreading the funeral and seeing my children for the first time in many years, but at the same time wanting to reconcile our differences and try to mend our relationships, I missed them so much.

Mums passing has been a shock for everyone, it was sudden and totally unexpected, she had seemed healthy! My youngest is the executor and arranged everything along with his wife, bless them they have so much to deal with already, on a daily basis with two children ‘on the spectrum’, but they did an amazing job, and continue to do so.

I managed to arrange some time with two of my boys to talk, and things seem to be going ok, we are talking at least! It’s a step in the right direction and I am grateful they have given me the chance.

My living conditions and health issues are still ongoing but the failing relationship is no more. I just couldn’t carry on with all the stress and pressure putting my health at risk of catastrophic failure, and I need time to heal myself.

Something like this shows you the people that are worth keeping in your life, those who ask if you’re ok, only three of them! and two of those are customers who have really been there showing their support, the other is a lovely friend who I met through work a long time ago now, but has offered support and asked after me regularly, it means so much to me.

So now I am alone with my dogs.

It’s ok, my day is still full of pain, but I have a renwed appreciation for the things I used to love.. music, Qigong, meditation, reading,sound therapy and photography. Filling my days to keep busy but also beginning to rekindle my love for things I had lost for a while.

Over the years I lost sight of my inner self and the things I loved because of heartache and trauma and I thought I would never get them back, I didn’t even realise I wanted them back.

It feels right.


Babbling brook

Tinkling sounds

Shining ripples

Pebbles and stones

Waving shadows

Shining light

Gurgling water

Rainbows bright

Under the bridge

Shady trees

Gentle echos

Rustling leaves

Hooting owl

Sunset glows

Peaceful sounds

Darkness folds

Sound Therapy

Living alone is strange

I’ve been part of a couple for so long

But my mind has regressed

Back in time to another split

Where music was my salvation

My support

When I played the old favourites

Survivor and Chris de burgh

Boston and Foreigner

They healed me then and help me now

Losing myself in familiar tunes

Sound therapy

And Of course the wine helps as wel

Music Man

I wrote this about a lovely man I met some years ago. We spent a short time together but he really touched my soul. I think of him often.

Fly away

On wings of sound

Sweet refrain

All around

Music man

Play your heart

Fire and ice

A work of art

Passion your guide

Darkness and light

Feel the emotion

Use them, don’t fight

Pleasure and pain

Heaven and hell

We’ve your magic

Cast your spell

Missing you

I never realised how much I would miss you

You always thought I was more for dad

So did I

I was wrong and so were you

Your passing has affected me so much more than I expected

I am inconsolable without you

I don’t know what to do with myself

I want to run away and hide

Lost in my sorrow

Is this love

I am in mourning

For the loss of the man I once loved

We’ve been together a lifetime

Faced loss and adversity

But you gave up

Left me to face things alone

Pulling away bit by bit over the years

Until there was nothing left

No common ground

Nothing shared

Just Unfulfilled promises

And broken dreams

The emptiness and the hurt are overwhelming

and so I mourn

a future lost

What could have been

More than a feeling

I was 8 years old when we moved to Bloxham from the Wirral. The journey was long but I remember coming into Banbury and seeing the “Fine Lady” statue and Banbury Cross before turning towards the village that would become our home.

Ride a cock Horse
To Banbury Cross

School was a different experience to the previous one, in a large modern building. The Old School was really old with several buildings, some of them empty and “haunted“. The toilets were in a Separate building, it was a really old-fashioned place, but I loved it! I wasn’t there for long but I remember having to do a project on Native Americans (or Red Indians as we used to call them). I can picture now the finished booklet I made with paint of different colours in wavy lines on the cover. That research triggered an interest and a passion in me that I still have today, a deep respect for them and everything they went through, but also for their lifestyle and beliefs.

The Olde School Bloxham

I only spent a short time at the Old School before moving to the new Primary School on the other side of the village, and to be honest it didn’t make as big an impression on me! I Do remember two playgrounds, one for the older kids and another by the infant classrooms for the younger ones that included a sandpit! There were Terrapins (temporary classrooms) and a big field where they used to hold the school fete and sports day. Fridays were always spelling test day, and the school day always ended with putting our chairs on the table and a prayer.

When I was 12, I started at the brand spanking new Warriner School. Those early days were new and exciting, with different subjects to learn. Each subject had its own department, so every lesson meant packing up our bags and making our way to the next lesson in its own unique place.

Warriner School

The Warriner was where I met Bern. I was 12 years old and he was 2 years older. He was the oldest of 5 children, in a family that was full of fun, laughter and chaos. There was only me and my brother at home, and I had always wanted a family like “The Waltons”” so this family was the answer to all my fantasies. I spent most of my free time there, with him, listening to music and hanging out with his family. I was completely hooked!!

We became inseparable, spending all our time together. He introduced me to some new bands I had never heard before; Boston and Asia, and it was about this time that I discovered Whitesnake, Deep Purple and a whole host of others. At 16 we got engaged. I was still at school and he had only just started work, so he bought me a cheap ring but it was so pretty: a blue stone surrounded by diamond look-a-likes. I loved it!!

We were in love. My parents thought it was just a phase; “puppy love” they called it, but we knew it was more than that. My Dad had very set ideas on what my life should be like: I would become a secretary and date suitable boys, not get married until I was at leat 25. The trouble is, I had other ideas!!